CSS/CS:GO Fastdownload Script
This is a Script for Windows PowerShell. This Script scan your Maps and zip it to .bz2 and upload it in the fastdownload. [sourcecode language='sh'] 07.02.2012 # Scripted by rainbow-six3...
alias Rainbow-six3
This is a Bash Script vor Linux. With it can you run the CSGO Server in the backround this has the advantage, when you colse the connection the Server continues.
In this example my file means csgo.sh .
1.You Copy this Code in a file, add the Config and save it as bash file.
2.Add rights with the comand „chmod u+x csgo.sh“ (You need Root rights)
./mcStrat.sh start #Start Server.
./mcStrat.sh stop #Stop Server.
./mcStrat.sh status #Check is Server running.
./mcStrat.sh console #Open the Console of Program. You can close the console with CTRL + A and D.
############################### # CS1.6/CSS/CSGO Startscript # # Created by Rainbow-six3 # # Visite www.rainbow-six3.com # ############################### #######CONFIG######## # add your settings # #######EXAMPLE####### SERVERNAME="" #SERVERNAME="csgo-server" SORTSERVERNAME="" #SORTSERVERNAME="CSGO" SERVERIP="" #SERVERIP="" PORT="" #PORT="27015" SRCDS="" #SRCDS="/opt/csgoserver/srcds_linux" ######SCRIPT############# # Dont change anything!!! COMMANDLINE_COMMAND="${1}" COMMANDLINE_MODE="${2}" function nocommand(){ echo ${SORTSERVERNAME}": Add the Command start , stop , status or console in the Commandline" echo ${SORTSERVERNAME}": Example:" echo ${SORTSERVERNAME}": ./csStart.sh start ca" exit 5 } function nomode(){ echo ${SORTSERVERNAME}": Add Gamemode ca = Classic Casual , co = Classic Competitive , ac = Arms Race or de = Demolition in the Commandline" echo ${SORTSERVERNAME}": Example:" echo ${SORTSERVERNAME}": ./csStart.sh start ca" exit 5 } function noconf(){ echo "###############################" echo "# CS1.6/CSS/CSGO Startscript #" echo "# Created by Rainbow-six3 #" echo "# Visite www.rainbow-six3.com #" echo "###############################" echo "##Add Configuration in the Startscript!!##" exit 5 } function conf(){ echo ${SORTSERVERNAME}": Screenname: " ${SERVERNAME} echo ${SORTSERVERNAME}": Consolename: " ${SORTSERVERNAME} echo ${SORTSERVERNAME}": Pfad:" ${SRCDS} echo ${SORTSERVERNAME}": IP: " ${SERVERIP} echo ${SORTSERVERNAME}": Port: " ${PORT} } if [ -z $SERVERNAME ]; then noconf fi if [ -z $SORTSERVERNAME ]; then noconf fi if [ -z $SERVERIP ]; then noconf fi if [ -z $SRCDS ]; then noconf fi case $COMMANDLINE_COMMAND in start) if [[ `screen -ls | grep $SERVERNAME` ]];then echo ${SORTSERVERNAME}": Server is already running" conf exit 5 fi if [ -z $COMMANDLINE_MODE ]; then nomode fi conf case $COMMANDLINE_MODE in ca) screen -A -m -d -S ${SERVERNAME} ${SRCDS} srcds -game csgo -console -usercon +game_type 0 +game_mode 0 +mapgroup mg_bomb +map de_dust2 -ip ${SERVERIP} -port ${PORT} -autoupdate -verify_all echo ${SORTSERVERNAME}": Server running Classic Casual" exit 5 ;; co) screen -A -m -d -S ${SERVERNAME} ${SRCDS} srcds -game csgo -console -usercon +game_type 0 +game_mode 1 +mapgroup mg_bomb +map de_dust2 -ip ${SERVERIP} -port ${PORT} -autoupdate -verify_all echo ${SORTSERVERNAME}": Server running Classic Competitive" exit 5 ;; ac) screen -A -m -d -S ${SERVERNAME} ${SRCDS} srcds -game csgo -console -usercon +game_type 1 +game_mode 0 +mapgroup mg_bomb +map de_dust2 -ip ${SERVERIP} -port ${PORT} -autoupdate -verify_all echo ${SORTSERVERNAME}": Server running Arms Race" exit 5 ;; de) screen -A -m -d -S ${SERVERNAME} ${SRCDS} srcds -game csgo -console -usercon +game_type 1 +game_mode 1 +mapgroup mg_bomb +map de_dust2 -ip ${SERVERIP} -port ${PORT} -autoupdate -verify_all echo ${SORTSERVERNAME}": Server running Demolition" exit 5 esac ;; stop) if [[ `screen -ls | grep $SERVERNAME` ]];then screen -r ${SERVERNAME} -X quit echo "exit" echo ${SORTSERVERNAME}": Server is stopped" exit 5 else echo ${SORTSERVERNAME}": No Server is running" fi ;; status) if [[ `screen -ls | grep $SERVERNAME` ]];then echo ${SORTSERVERNAME}": Server is already running" else echo ${SORTSERVERNAME}": Server is down" fi exit 5 ;; console) if [[ `screen -ls | grep $SERVERNAME` ]];then screen -x ${SERVERNAME} else echo ${SORTSERVERNAME}": Server is down" exit 5 fi ;; *) nocommand esac
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