Nginx redirect domain/subdomain to an other port

When you want redircet a subdomain or domain to an other application with nginx, you must follow the following steps. Situtation: I have a Nginx which is used for Plesk 11. Now i want redirct my Subdomain „“ to my Webapplication, which runs on port 8080. Solution: 1. Go to /etc/nginx 2. Open the file […]


Simpel autostart Script for Linux/Debian/Ubuntu Exampel Script: #!/bin/sh ### BEGIN INIT INFO case "$1" in start) echo "Starting NAME" start-stop-daemon –start -quiet -u counterstrike –chuid counterstrike –exec /home/counterstrike/source/server1/ start ca ;; stop) echo "Stopping NAME" start-stop-daemon –start -quiet -u counterstrike –chuid counterstrike –exec /home/counterstrike/source/server1/ stop ;; *) echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/css1 {start|stop}" exit 1 ;; esac […]

CSS/CS:GO Fastdownload Script

This is a Script for Windows PowerShell. This Script scan your Maps and zip it to .bz2 and upload it in the fastdownload. 07.02.2012 # Scripted by rainbow-six3 # ####### Set Config ##### # # 7zip Path ONLY 32BIT Version! $7zip = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\7-Zip\' $7zippath = '' # # Fastdownload Path $fdl= 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\css\' $fdlpath= […]

CS:GO Startscript

This is a Bash Script vor Linux. With it can you run the CSGO Server in the backround this has the advantage, when you colse the connection the Server continues. In this example my file means . Install: 1.You Copy this Code in a file, add the Config and save it as bash file. […]