Gamesever Backup
20.08.2012 18:36 Gameserver wieder verfügbar. 20.08.2012 17:35 Der Gameserver ist bis 19:00 nicht erreichbar erreichbar, da ein Backup erstellt wird.
alias Rainbow-six3
This is a Script for Windows PowerShell. This Script scan your Maps and zip it to .bz2 and upload it in the fastdownload.
07.02.2012 # Scripted by rainbow-six3 # ####### Set Config ##### # # 7zip Path ONLY 32BIT Version! $7zip = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\7-Zip\' $7zippath = '' # # Fastdownload Path $fdl= 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\css\' $fdlpath= '' # # CSS Map Path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\CSS\css\cstrike\' $cspath = '' # #######Dont change it####### ####### Log File Path ...\cstrike\MapConverterLog.txt $logpath = $cspath + 'MapConverterLog.txt' ####### Set Path ##### $mappath = $cspath + 'maps\' $maplistpath = $cspath + 'maplist.txt' $mapcyclepath = $cspath + 'mapcycle.txt' # ####### Get Mapname ###### $mapname = dir $mappath *.bsp -name # # ####### Echo ########## ('#################### Counter Strike Map Converter #####################') ('------------------- Found this Maps:----------------') echo $mapname ('##################')+(' Please Wait... ')+('##################') ('##################################')+(Get-Date –f "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")+('##################################')|out-file -Append $logpath; # # $list = 0..($mapname.count-1) ####### Opem 7zip Path #### cd $7zippath ####### Zip Maps #### $i = 0 while ($i -ile ($mapname.count-1)){ $split = $mapname[($i)].split("."); $list[($i)] = ($split[0]); $split[0] = $split[0] + ".bsp.bz2"; $goal = $fdlpath + $split[0]; $source = $mappath + $mapname[($i)]; if([IO.File]::Exists($goal) -ne $true) { .\7z a -tbzip2 -mmt=2 -mx9 $goal -aos $source|out-file -Append $logpath; } else { echo $source " --> OK"|out-file -Append $logpath; } ('--------------------------------------------------------------------')|out-file -Append $logpath; $i++ } ####### Write Maplist.txt and Mapcycle ####### echo $list |out-file $maplistpath; echo $list |out-file $mapcyclepath; # ####### Question ######### Write-Host "Finished. Show the Log file. Press any key to exit ..." $x = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown") # #
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